Monday, December 26, 2011

Attitude !


Waaahhh, dah lama betoi aku tak update blog ni. huhu. Dah nama pun wat blog untuk isi masa kosong time cuti,so,asal dah mula kuliah ja, (skg dah habis satu sem pun.dh stdy week dah pun. Haha ) maka jawapannya terabai la budakbaeq's blog. Alololo..Sadis pulak baca ayat "terabai" tu. Haha. Sebenaqnya salah. Aku yang malas nak menaip. Boleh ja kalau curi-curi masa menaip time free. Cuma ndak n tak ndak ja.

Ok,.actually I got nothing to share kat sini melainkan ada satu dua benda yang agak tak penting. Hoho. aku exam awal bulan satu. Stadi still tunggang terbalik blurr lagi. Menaip ni pun untuk menghilangkan pening dan loya tengok buku. Biasalaa. Last2 minit baru nak sedaq. Memang semua orang camtu ka hah? Naa, whatever lah. Ha, by the way,aku ada nak cerita sumtin kat ampa semua. Tentang satu golongan yang aku sangat2 respek kat Mesir ni (selain syeikh2 serta lain2 yang memang patut dihormati la ). Cuba teka. ;P

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Jom Tengok Cara Benang Sutera Dihasilkan ^_^

Ni la nama dia ulat sutera..amacam, comey kan :P hehe

Ulat Sutera ni diberi makan daun mulberi..ha, tengok tu. merenyut ! eugh~

Friday, September 9, 2011

Kekayaan Sultan Brunei..

The Sultan Of Brunei's wealth increases by 90 euros every second ! (no envy please !)
This means around 5400 euros per minute, 324000 euros each hour, 7776000 euros a day.
Implies about 54432000 euros a week (that's 54 million and 432000 thousand euros)

Brunei's Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah ... President of the richest country in the world
Popular, lavish, ... uses gold in everything
Was born literally eating with spoons made of gold
Clothes worn embroidered with gold and silver
These are some pictures of his palace ...  
The largest and most luxurious palace in the world...  
Consists of 1788 rooms with some furnished in gold and diamond-encrusted
257 bath inlaid with gold and silver
and a garage to accommodate 110 cars
The palace has 650 suites .... each furnished at not less than 150,000 thousand euros
This requires the visitor to spend 24 hours just to inspect each room for 30 seconds

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Fruits,Plants,Dairy Products,And Human Body - God's Pharmacy


Click here to join nidokidos


SLICE a carrot and it looks just like an eye, right down to the pattern of the iris. It’s a clear clue to the importance this everyday veg has for vision. Carrots get their orange colour from a plant chemical called betacarotene, which reduces the risk of developing cataracts. The chemical also protects against macular degeneration an age-related sight problem that affects one in four over-65s. It is the most common cause of blindness in Britain. But popping a betacarotene pill doesn’t have the same effect, say scientists at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Ceta Raya Aku versi perantauan..ha ha ha !

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullah ! :)

dedicated to my family n friends>>>

Pagi ni entah pasaipa tiba-tiba ja rasa rajin nak menaip..haha..whatever lah..ok,aku sebenaqnya ada banyak benda nak share dengan ampa suma..tentang ceta raya posa aku versi 2011/1432H di ARMA..haha..berkandaq2 la gak post yang tertangguh disebabkan kemalasan aku nak menaip pasal raya..hoho..asyik entri dari email ja,kali ni author sndiri punya entri..he he he :D antara post tertangguh yang aku nak post kat sini ialah : 

EPISOD PERTAMA RAYA : KEK COKLAT LEMBAP..;P >petang 29 Ramadan< biasa,.setiap kali raya kat Mesir,.satu-satunya manisan yang aku paling rajin wat  ialah kek..


Note from author: email ni dah lama aku dapat..aku publish kat blog sekadar nak berkongsi dengan orang yang mungkin tak pernah tau lagi :) smart sharing ^_^

Beauty of Mathematics !!!!!!! 

1 x 8 + 1 = 9
12 x 8 + 2 = 98
123 x 8 + 3 = 987
1234 x 8 + 4 = 9876
12345 x 8 + 5 = 98765
123456 x 8 + 6 = 987654
1234567 x 8 + 7 = 9876543
12345678 x 8 + 8 = 98765432
123456789 x 8 + 9 = 987654321

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Niat Puasa 6 dalam Puasa Ganti..Apa kata Fuqaha'? Jom baca ^^


Ni permasalahan utama kaum hawa yang memang secara gholib(kebiasaan)nya dikaitkan dengan isu ganti puasa..selalu ja orang tanya : "kita dapat pahala puasa enam dak kalau ganti puasa dalam bulan syawal?" "boleh dak nak gabung puasa enam dengan puasa ganti?" so, untuk entri kali ni aku nak share sikit info dari Darul Ifta' Al Masriyyah (Lembaga Fatwa Mesir) sharing :)